Family and Friends,
I'm sorry for my crappy emails
lately. The internet connection here in Abra is really SLOW. So us missionaries
up here can't email as long. Please bear with me.
So a little update with my
area. Remember in Lehi's Dream of the Tree of Life? Of course you do. With the
Tree and Iron Rod and stuff? Being out here in Abra, I feel like I'm living
that in real life, except I feel like there is a missing part 2 in Lehi's
vision. I feel like I got to the tree and partook of the fruit but there is a
twist. I have a backpack and I fill the it with extra fruit and then I jump
over the river of misery and travel through the mists of darkness, where I then
make my way to the Great Spacious building, after climbing the walls I then
proselyte and try to take my fellow men back to the tree. Hahaha that is the
life of a missionary. But really it's like Babylon here. Prostitutes outside
our apartment and "Disco Bars" across the street of the Chapel.
Sometimes it's hopeless to track at night because a lot of people are drunk and
it's not safe for two white Americans walking around after 8pm. But I'm not
afraid. I have some wrestling experience under my belt and my companion is a
college football player, but the real reason of why I'm not scared is because I
know who is watching out for me. Why should I fear? I'm dong my Father's will
and nothing can stop this work. I'm in good hands.
I want all of you to know that
I know my Savior lives. I know through the Book of Mormon we can find answers
to our problems and trials. I love being a missionary. All of you are in my
prayers and I hope I'm in yours. I'll see you soon.
Your Valiant Missionary,
Elder Strader
Here are some pictures of me in our area and a picture of me
and Elder Baker when we went frog hunting with some fiipino kids